NVC Students Travel to Costa Rica for Adventure Trip

June 26, 2023

NVC Faculty Scott Walker

Students in Costa Rica


by NVC Faculty Scott Walker

Students practiced field research techniques in bird surveying, hawksbill sea turtle capture, water sampling, mangrove forest analysis and valuation, primate observation, primate habitat analysis, ethogram development (inventory of wild monkey behaviors), and shark DNA analysis. They also practiced the development of hypotheses, analyzing, summarizing, and reporting data related to their research. Additionally, 他们参观了蒙特维德山区云雾森林中的永续农业农场后,学习了永续农业技术来设计一块土地.

西北维斯塔学院的教员与Veritas大学的国际项目办公室在项目后勤方面进行了合作,并获得了哥斯达黎加杰出的海龟生物学家的机会, wildlife refuge experts, and permaculture specialists. 一些学生得到了微软数据中心社区发展礼物的经济支持, 而其他学生则由澳门新葡京博彩的国际奖学金基金资助.

一名学生评论道:“有太多的研究要做. So much information.” Another student went on to add, “能够和真正在做研究的人交谈真的很酷.” Claudisa, 目前正在攻读生物学副学士学位的她说, “this was a big life-changing experience for me. I feel like I found my place.她将于7月份申请tamu -加尔维斯顿大学的海洋生物学学士学位.

Brianna, another STEM student, noted, 在哥斯达黎加的经历之后,“我对自己在职业领域的发展方向有了更清晰的认识”.

哈维尔指出,在所有的研究技术实践中, “我们还做了红树林分析,这是我做过的最好的实践作业.”

Kim Linsenbardt, NVC人类学教师表示,哥斯达黎加的实地研究项目为学生提供了“亲身实践的学习经验,让他们了解实地工作的现实。. It’s hard, dirty, unpredictable, underpaid, 充满了任何职业中最纯粹的快乐时刻.”

“As far as I know, 没有其他社区学院提供国际实地研究项目,学生不仅要学习科学,还要做科学。. 以前的NVC探险科学实地研究项目已经在遥远的摩洛哥高阿特拉斯山脉(人类学和地理学)和哥斯达黎加的其他实地研究站(环境科学)进行过。. Eight of this year’s students were women, 他们中的大多数人正在学习STEM学科,并将继续攻读四年制人类学学位, archaeology, biology, environmental science, and math.

NVC教师Jessica Heppard(生物学)和Kim Linsenbardt(人类学)将于2024年1月带领另一支探险队前往哥斯达黎加. The focus of that trip will be nutrition and culture. Check the Alamo Colleges’ Study Abroad website at kgfascist.com/studyabroad for details.

Scott L. Walker, ScEdD Professor/Coordinator, Geography & Environmental Studies

About Northwest Vista College:  

Northwest Vista College (NVC), part of the Alamo Colleges District, is designated as a Hispanic Serving Institution. 该学院成立于1995年,当时只有12名学生,现已发展成为圣安东尼奥和该地区最大的高等教育机构之一,目前入学人数超过17人,000 students. Located in Westover Hills, 雷士不断扩大与商业和高等教育合作伙伴的协议,为学生和社区提供了丰富的机会.

NVC是圣安东尼奥唯一的社区学院,也是2021年被邀请参加2023年阿斯彭社区学院卓越奖的德克萨斯州八所社区学院之一, 全国最高认可的社区大学教育. The Aspen Prize recognizes excellence in teaching and learning, certificate and degree completion, transfer and bachelor’s attainment, 劳动力的成功以及有色人种和低收入家庭学生的平等.