



总统学者,麦克伦登学者和前任 澳门新葡京博彩地区候补学生理事加入 程控总统, 澳门新葡京博彩区’s new Chancellor and Chef 约翰尼·埃尔南德斯 as speakers during a graduation ceremony featuring 468 students receiving 675 degrees and/or certificates

St. 菲利普学院今天宣布 三个杰出人物的名字 学生作为演讲者 第140届毕业典礼 12月仪式. 下午7点14分.m. 在弗里曼体育馆3201 E. 休斯顿.

The first scholar, licensed vocational nursing program student Dorathy Tarpeh 被宣布为这次活动的学生演讲者. Tarpeh is one of 65 students who are days away from becoming alumni of one of Texas’ oldest college-level licensed vocational nursing programs---and joining more than 7,这个有69年历史的项目的000名校友. Tarpeh是仅有的三家之一 2018 St. 菲利普学院博士. 阿黛娜·威廉姆斯·罗斯顿总统奖学金. Through giving back and achieving academically, Tarpeh has contributed to helping St. Philip’s 大学 achieve record enrollment numbers and outstanding community engagement while bringing a Governor’s Award for Performance Excellence to 圣安东尼奥 in 2018, 以及马尔科姆·鲍德里奇国家质量奖的份额. As a scholar, Tarpeh carves out time to personally give back by serving meals at 圣安东尼奥食品银行, and in addition to assisting in sorting and packaging food items for distribution, she assists by maintaining the garden area where fresh vegetables are grown for clients in need.

“我对这次演讲既兴奋又紧张, 但我不会剧透我要说的内容,塔佩今天笑着说.

第二个学者,社会学学生 艾丽西亚佩里 has been announced as the invocation speaker for the ceremony in her capacity as the college’s first HBCU竞争力学者, completing a season of giving back as one of the few community college-level students in a history-making competitiveness cohort helping officials in the 白宫 在 教育部 field a team of students to improve long-term national outcomes of critical importance---to include both community colleges and 圣安东尼奥. 选择促进中学教育佩里也是几个即将毕业的学生之一 Ruth Jones McClendon学者 at the 120-year-old college, nearly one year after the passing of the late Texas stateswoman.

An outstanding student veteran has been announced as the benediction speaker. 社会学的学生 白芷雅各布斯 has provided exemplary corporate leadership and corporate team building services in her capacity as the college's Student Government President and as an 澳门新葡京博彩区 Alternate Student Trustee. 

Tarpeh, Jacobs and Perry are among the 468 students who have applied to graduate and receive 675 degrees and/or certificates from St. 菲利普学院12月11日. 14. On the stage before degrees and certificates are presented to students in the event hosted by St. 菲利普学院院长. 阿黛娜·威廉姆斯·罗斯顿, they join two additional key local leaders who have each been on amazing, often intersecting journeys in one of the fastest-growing cities in the nation in 2018:

  • 澳门新葡京博彩地区校长. 迈克•弗洛 使他成为圣人。. Philip’s 大学 commencement ceremony debut as chancellor with district trustees, St. 菲利普的大学 students and leadership in a capacity he assumed in 2018 during the amazing era of the St. 菲利普的2018届毕业生.
  • 约翰尼·埃尔南德斯 is an industry leader who has given back by leading such globalism initiatives to put 圣安东尼奥's future prosperity on the map as advisory board membership with St. 菲利普学院的模范旅游系, 酒店和烹饪艺术业务部, 以及与学院在倡导方面的合作,这导致了 联合国美食之城指定目的地 有300年历史的圣安东尼奥——所有这些都发生在圣. 菲利普学院2018届毕业生.

To join the conversation on the upcoming graduation ceremony and the remarkable progress of both students and their college of choice, 访问学院网页上的社交媒体链接 www.阿拉莫.edu/spc. 欲知详情,请参阅. 14 .毕业典礼上,访问大学毕业页面 http://kgfascist.com/spc/graduation/,发送电子邮件至学院记录和注册团队 spc-gradadv@阿拉莫.edu 或联系特蕾西·谢尔顿, 学院的记录和注册副主任, at 210-486-2292, tshelton@阿拉莫.edu.

Dorathy Tarpeh,毕业演讲嘉宾



CAPTION:毕业的档案图片. 菲利普学院执业职业护理项目学者 Dorathy Tarpeh during the election of students who annually represent the corporate brand of the college is a reminder that Tarpeh is the student speaker the 120-year-old 第140届毕业典礼 ceremony Dec. 下午7点14分.m. 在弗里曼体育馆3201 E. 休斯顿圣., featuring 468 students who have applied to graduate and receive 675 degrees and/or certificates. (SPC图像由Julysa Sosa提供)