SPC荣誉教练威廉·艾伦·哈金斯与遗产日活动8月. 18

August 15, 2022

SPC Marketing & Strategic Communications


(注:威廉·艾伦·哈金斯是Omega Psi Phi Fraternity, Inc .的成员.)

威廉·艾伦·哈金斯健康与保健大楼的剪彩仪式定于8月11日举行. 18, part of Legacy Day. 它于2022年命名,以纪念已故的哈金斯教练,长期的篮球教练.

两层的体育馆和游泳馆将包括一个高架轨道, short course swimming pool, therapy pool, weight and cardio training spaces, aerobic studio, a cardio studio, teaching labs for kinesiology, first aid/ CPR, massage therapy, gathering spaces and staff offices. 它的部分资金由教育部联邦基金根据第三章B部分提供&F.

这座占地57,000平方英尺的建筑取代了建于1949年的现有学院健身中心. 它的命名是为了纪念已故的威廉·艾伦·哈金斯,长期担任篮球教练和学生院长.


He attended George P. 凤凰高中,汉普顿学院的附属学校. He excelled in academics and athletics. 他获得了弗吉尼亚州立大学的体育奖学金, 但在1935年选择了汉普顿学院的勤工俭学奖学金.

At Hampton Institute, 现在的汉普顿大学是美国历史上的黑人学院和大学之一,哈金斯在足球方面获得了荣誉, basketball and track, earning the moniker, “3-Letter Man.” He graduated in 1940.

他在巴尔的摩找到了一份高中篮球教练的工作, 同时在宾夕法尼亚大学攻读硕士学位.

1942年,他加入了陆军航空队,成为一名塔斯基吉飞行员教练. 后来,他申请了军官候选人学校(OCS),并搬到了圣安东尼奥.

他娶了汉普顿学院的学生Vernis Ilene Martin,
in 1945. 婚后,他们有了两个孩子,帕特里夏·安和小威廉·艾伦.


In 1949, he was offered a job at St. Philip's College by Miss Artemisia Bowden, who promised that one day, the college would have a swimming pool.

哈金斯教练是一位深受喜爱的大学篮球教练,执教了18年. 在SPC的职业生涯中,他曾担任教练、讲师、系主任和学生院长. He retired in 1982.

He also served the community by teaching more than 3,000 African American children to swim, including our own Dr. Sharon Crockett-Ray.

He was a longtime member of Second Baptist Church, a life member of the NAACP, a founding member of the Courtiers, a member of Omega Psi Phi Fraternity, Inc. 也是汉普顿大学校友会的成员.

2011年1月,他入选汉普顿大学体育名人堂. He passed away on June 13, 2011.

我很荣幸能从一个教练到另一个教练向威廉·艾伦·哈金斯致敬,感谢他对圣. Philip’s College athletes and students.

William Allen Hudgins, II will speak on behalf of the Hudgins family, 随后由贝尔县共济会举行奠基仪式. 

Legacy Day Events:

Oak Tree Dedication in Honor of Col. Roy W. Burley, 7:30 a.m.
Ribbon Cutting for Saint Artemisia Bowden Building, 8 a.m.
Ribbon Cutting for Clarence W. Norris Building, 9 a.m.
Ribbon Cutting for William A. Hudgins Health and Wellness Building, 10 a.m.
Unveiling of Saint Philips Way, 11:15 a.m.

For more information about Legacy Day, visit kgfascist.com/spc/legacy-day.

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